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Protagonist Introduction

In a world shroud with intrigue and mystery, three primary protagonists are expected to rise to the challenge of unearthing the truth behind it all. For the storyline Project Star follows, the protagonists are as follows:

Miktyr, a wood elf born and raised in the depths of a traditional wood elf family in Yailuna Forest. A misjudged but otherwise bright inventor and innovator, Miktyr is in the midst of taking an extensive journey around the nation of Ostaria with his pet tree frog in search of a way to unlock a memory of his that he can't quite grasp.

Yaoinira, a half-teifling born and raised in the villages surrounding the icy mountains of Ostaria on the eastern coast. After an incident with a warlock some years ago, Yaoinira is currently searching, not only for revenge, but for something more dangerous that the warlock took from her.

Zenith, a mountain nymph next in line to a wealthy noble fortune and governmental influence. A troublemaker with an ambitious heart, Zenith is currently on the run from the royal guard while simultaneously trying to understand the part of her heritage that her parents have been working to hide from her.